Who We Are

Ship-Experts has successfully offered the most dynamic and ingenious training courses for thousands of international participants. Also, our educational department is an experienced and professional assistant to all the trainees. Responding to the aspirations of our professional trainees and the demands of the shipping industry; Ship-Experts has made satisfying both of them a prior objective and challenge.

Study from home

Ship Experts is a global Institute providing a program fully based on distance learning, all course materials are delivered through our online platform which will allow for student more flexibility in time


We accept payments by different secured methods such as Payoneer, Paypal etc.

Our Courses

Our courses are accredited in Maritime Surveying, Shipping, and Logistics, they are adapted and personalized to suits your needs and lifestyle. The courses are practical and easy to understand and to implement in the work environment,

Employability service

After you finish your course, you can get help, advice and support for up to 2 year from our Careers and Employability service as you advance in your career.

Connecting credible expert sources & academic research

Ship-Experts was established to allow professionals a platform to showcase their areas of Expertise. We believe our members should have control over monetizing their specialized knowledge and expertise. In this web-based, connected, high-tech world, there is no need for a broker or middle man to mark up fees or market your expertise. Put your best foot forward with Ship-Experts.com.