Summary of Qualifications

Dr . Al Adwani specialises in advising clients on disputes in shipping, international trade, commodities, marine insurance, ships building and dry docking, marine operation and chartering ships sales, and carriage of goods by sea, air, and land.

Dr Aladwani consulted governments on matters related to the law of the sea.
He has drafted the National SAR plan of Kuwait and wrote several publications ( books, articles, and conference papers ) on common law, carriage of goods, maritime law, the law of the sea, admiralty law, rules of engagement, and IP law.

Professional Experience

Dr. Al Adwani is a former IMO Maritime Ambassador
He has several years of seagoing experience

Other Skills

* Phd in commercial and maritime law Marine
* Presented a paper in OPV Conference- on Maritime Security of the GCC States-October 2017
* A comparative study of the obligation of due diligence to provide a seaworthy vessel under the Hague